Sunday, August 5, 2012


I was a pretty fair cook when I married 30 years ago. But in all my (albeit limited) experience, I hadn't counted on marrying a vegetarian. You probably have veg friends so you know the 'ole "nothing with a face" style of cuisine. So you'll be seeing a few veg recipes from me, but not tonight! This catfish recipe allows me to make a single serving for myself and still have the time/energy to make the usual vegetarian fare for him. Bless his meatless heart, he doesn't know what he's missing!

Rinse fillets, run your fingers over flesh to check for bones

Jan's Catpacks
2 small fresh catfish fillets
1 medium onion, sliced
1/2 C bottled Italian salad dressing (not creamy)
2 TBS prepared yellow mustard
Dried oregano or Italian spice blend
Fresh garlic, chopped, to taste
Splash of your favorite vino (I prefer white for this)

Pull a generous sheet of foil and Pam the surface. Add a layer of sliced onion and then the fillets, centered on foil. Pour Italian dressing, splash of wine and mustard over the fillets. Sprinkle herbs and garlic over all.

 Seal up foil from front to back and side to side. Your catpack is now ready for the grill or a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes to an hour depending on size of fillets. Be sure to seal it well so you don't spring a leak; baking on a cookie sheet is highly recommended! Serve over rice, pasta (below) or all by itself in a bowl with crusty bread for dipping. This is a great recipe for serving more than one--everyone gets to season to taste. Catpacks easily create a soul-satisfying dish with sweet onions, savory sauce and tender pieces of meaty, yummy catfish! Enjoy!

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